The Witches’ Almanac

is now the exclusive distributor of Atramentous Press publications in America

Atramentous Press was initiated as a platform for exploring the mystical and philosophical approaches found in and amongst traditional practices. Encompassing the world of western occultism from Traditional Witchcraft to Ceremonial Magic, from indigenous folkloric practices. It is our aim to open up the debate about how meaning, history, knowledge, magic, superstition, and folklore are applied in various practice-based settings.

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Ritual Space & The Crooked Path Beyond

Ritual Space and the Crooked Path Beyond (Volume 1) by Peter Hamilton-GilesThe topic of ritual space is something that many of us are involved with, we may feel entrenched, or...

Codex Althaeban Malik - The Book of Aberrations

Codex Althaeban Malik otherwise known as The Book of Aberrations is an intermediary volume between Volume 1 and Volume 2 of Book of the Black Dragon. The premise for this...

The Witching-Other: Explorations and Meditations on the Existential Witch

THE WITCHING-OTHERby Peter Hamilton-Giles The Witching-Other: Explorations and Meditations on the Existential Witch by Peter Hamilton-Giles, instigator and co-founder of the Dragon's Column being the body of initiates that went...