Weave the Liminal: Living Modern Traditional Witchcraft

Weave the Liminal : Living Modern Traditional Witchcraft

Weave the Liminal: Living Modern Traditional Witchcraft, Laura Tempest Zakroff, Llewellyn Publications. Like any declaration of self, to identify as a witch brings more questions than answers. Who and what should be considered genuinely helpful? What does genuine or helpful even mean? Do certain paths, teachers, or groups improve or validate your practice more than others? Does a fear of not being or knowing enough affect how you practice or determine if you pursue a practice at all?

Laura’s Aquarian approach frames and addresses these questions and so many more you didn’t know to you wanted to answers to. She helps YOU decide what is best for you. Her writing is a fun and easy conversation that leaves you feeling renewed and ready for more, like choosing gods – or not, or pursuing some previously obscure witchy interest that popped from the pages.

Laura’s traveling workshops puts her face-to-face with witches of every age in all corners of the country. This book is the map and compass to the modern witch world. It will speak to you, about you, and help you accept your doubts and be kind to yourself while seeking your way.

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