The Coricane


A Coricane is a Fairye who dweleth mostly in lone places, chiefly where the Rockes bee, in litel Holes where water falleth or in Caves or Springes. He is lonely by nature and ever beareth a Horne on which he playes. It may befal Any One to heare the Musike afar off over the Wolde.. And on hearing it ’tis sure that great good or Evill will befal him who heares itt. Then to bring Lucke ye shall cross your Arms before you on youre Breaste and saye:

‘Thou who blowst ye Horne
Who did’st play ere I was borne:
And who wilt ever playe
When I am past awaye,
Give me the Blessing which afore
Thou did’st give to men of yore!”

To hear the Coricane by night, Witches call to them with a Witch Whistle. –

This is an excerpt from The Witchcraft of Dame Darrel of York published in 2011. This must have treasure can be found at the link below:


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