Magia Sexualis: Sexual Practices for Magical Power

Magia Sexualis: Sexual Practices for Magical Power
by Paschal Beverly Randolph and Maria De Naglowska

Though the authorship of this influential text is somewhat in doubt (Maria de Naglowska claimed to have only translated a manuscript by Paschal Beverly Randolph, but evidence suggests she contributed much more to the final result.), its lessons remain vital. Magia Sexualis conceives of sexual intercourse as a prayer, a tremendous force of nature that can be harnessed to accomplish certain feats. Magia Sexualis spends a significant amount of time laying the groundwork for a complete spiritual, mental, and physical understanding of the sexual act before even introducing the subject of sexual ritual. Magia Sexualis is recommended for those interested in the historical occult, magical potential of sexual energy, and those interested in improving their corporeal experience.

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