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Magical Creatures
Magical Creaturesby Elizabeth Pepper and Barbara Stacy Mystic tradition grants pride of place to many members of the animal kingdom. Some share our lives. Still others never lived at all,...
Moon Lore
Moon LoreLunar Themes of Wisdom and Magicby Elizabeth Pepper As the largest and the brightest object in the sky, and the only one to appear in phases, the Moon has...
The Little Book of Magical Creatures
The Little Book of Magical Creaturesby Elizabeth Pepper and Barbara StacyOur kin in the animal kingdom creatures tame, wild and fabulous. Reissue and expansion of an earlier Creatures publication, with...
The Rede of the Wiccae - Hardcover
The Rede of the Wiccae Adriana Porter, Gwen Thompsonand the birth of a tradition of witchcraft by Robert Mathiesen and Theitic This is a tale told by Gwen Thompson about...
The Rede of the Wiccae - Softcover
The Rede of the Wiccae Adriana Porter, Gwen Thompsonand the birth of a tradition of witchcraft by Robert Mathiesen and Theitic This is a tale told by Gwen Thompson about...
The Witchcraft of Dame Darrel of York
The Witchcraft of Dame Darrel of Yorkby Charles Godfrey LelandIntroduction by Professor Robert Mathiesen NEVER BEFORE PUBLISHED, The Witchcraft of Dame Darrel of York (offered in three different finishes below), a...