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2019 The Witches' Almanac Animals

The Witches' Almanac Spring 2019 to Spring 2020 Issue 38:Animals: Friends & Familiars The theme of Issue 38 (Spring 2019-Spring 2020) is Animals: Our Friends and Familiars, and among our...

Magical Creatures

Magical Creaturesby Elizabeth Pepper and Barbara Stacy Mystic tradition grants pride of place to many members of the animal kingdom. Some share our lives. Still others never lived at all,...

The Little Book of Magical Creatures

The Little Book of Magical Creaturesby Elizabeth Pepper and Barbara StacyOur kin in the animal kingdom creatures tame, wild and fabulous. Reissue and expansion of an earlier Creatures publication, with...

2010 The Witches' Almanac Animals Great & Small

2010-2011 Witches' Almanac Animals Great and SmallThis new edition of the venerable publication The Witches' Almanac pays tribute to the animal kingdoms home companions, some wild ones, some creatures of...