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1997 The Witches' Almanac
Spring 1997 to Spring 1998 The Witches' Almanac is an annual celebration of the passage of time with memories from the past, advice for the present, predictions for the future. The...
1996 The Witches' Almanac
Spring 1996 to Spring 1997 Readers pursuing occult knowledge will love the Glossary that spins you from Deasil to Widdershins. Monthly astrology and climatology predictions, our usual excellent art.
1995 The Witches' Almanac
Spring 1995 to Spring 1996 Magic prevails. We offer the Etruscan style, their ecstatic daily life, high spiritual concepts, serenity toward death; Biddy Early, the Irish wise woman chattering with...
1994 The Witches' Almanac
Spring 1994 to Spring 1995 The issue opens with a summons "to extend your imagination for an hour or two," and this Almanac does just that: Joseph Conrad views life...
1993 The Witches' Almanac
Spring 1993 to Spring 1994 A year connecting gems with heavenly bodies; keeping night watch with the Egyptian jackal-god Anubis; peering into the earthy prophesies of the magician Agrippa; saluting...
1991 The Witches' Almanac
Spring 1991 to Spring 1992 A year searching for Arthur; remembering the forgotten Goddess of no escape; talked of the many traits of Trivia; and discussed looking into the night...