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Magic Charms from A to Z
Magic Charms from A to Zby Elizabeth Pepper
A treasury of amulets, talismans, fetishes and other lucky objects compiled by the staff of The Witches' Almanac.
Love Charms
Love Charmsby Elizabeth Pepper
A treasury of love charms to celebrate the joy and blessings of love, now and ever after.
2025 The Witches' Almanac Wall Calendar
The Witches’ Almanac 2025 Wall Calendar is a practical guide designed to help you harness the power of lunar phases and zodiacal influences to enhance both your magical and everyday...
2017 The Witches' Almanac - Water: Our Primal Source
The Witches' Almanac Spring 2017 to Spring 2018 Issue 36: Water: Our Primal Source The theme of Issue 36 (Spring 2017-Spring 2018) is Water: Our Primal Source, and among our...
Magical Creatures
Magical Creaturesby Elizabeth Pepper and Barbara Stacy Mystic tradition grants pride of place to many members of the animal kingdom. Some share our lives. Still others never lived at all,...
Aradia or The Gospel of the Witches
Aradia: Gospel of the Witchesby Charles Godfrey LelandIntroduction by Professor Robert MathiesenCharles Godfrey Lelands mysterious and controversial book, Aradia or the Gospel of the Witches, possibly the most influential and...
The Witches' Almanac Coloring Book
The Witches Almanac has long featured black and white images of beautiful woodcuts, fantastical creatures, tarot cards, astrological features and constellations, as well as line drawing selected from the folklore...
The ABC of Magic Charms
The ABC of Magical Charmsby Elizabeth Pepper Charms are used to seek the blessings of the three kingdoms of the Earth--animal, vegetable, and mineral. Their mysterious properties are defined in...
Magic: An Occult Primer - 50th Anniversary Edition
Introducing David Conway's Magic: An Occult Primer - 50th Anniversary Edition! A clear, articulate presentation of magic in a workable format Updated text, graphics and appendices Foreword by Colin Wilson...
Magic: An Occult Primer
DAVID CONWAYS Magic: An Occult Primer is a seminal work that brought magical training to the every-magician in the early 70s. David is an articulate writer presenting the mysteries in...
Ancient Roman Holidays - Original First Print
Ancient Roman Holidaysby Barbara Stacy
Here are the gods and goddesses as the Romans conceived them, accompanied by the annual rites performed in their worship.
Original First Print
Witches All
Witches AllPrepared and edited byElizabeth Pepper Magical secrets of the past help predict the future and enrich the present. A book about witchcraft, its theory and practice, derived from past...
The Little Book of Magical Creatures
The Little Book of Magical Creaturesby Elizabeth Pepper and Barbara StacyOur kin in the animal kingdom creatures tame, wild and fabulous. Reissue and expansion of an earlier Creatures publication, with...
The Horned Shepherd
The Horned Shepherdby by Edgar JepsonThe Wise Ones recognize an ancient fertility god who should be sacrificed to enrich the land. The new Witches Almanac version of the fantasy novella, written...